Thursday, November 13, 2008

What can I say? GRADE ME

The United States government is kept under wraps, contained, and rule-bound. Most people need years of education just to fully grasp the concepts behind what our government is founded on. For some people it takes years of looking into the faces of politicians (separated by a TV screen more often than not, I might add) and watching them speak to know when they are lying and that's another thing: Politicians are NOTORIOUS for that. Most legacies are broken promises that they made just to sit in the office of a supreme leader, only to get a head of grey hair and a little stain blot in history and we still let them walk away and send in the next guy who we have a 50% chance of success with.
The United States government was made confusing, I know, so that no one had too much power over each other and that's good. Surprisingly I have no qualms with the wig-wearers who brought about what we know and love today as the Thanksgiving celebrating, apple-pie loving America. There are no founding fathers that I have a problem with (so far at least, can we ever know everything about a person?), but the way media has distorted views and the way that some politicians get what they want at the expense of others (including the people which they represent) is absolutely appalling. It's in our human nature though and no matter how much I complain about it, I know that I would probably be doing the same thing if I were in their position, power (however limited or expanded) is not something that you come across every day.
I guess it would be safe to say that the only "problem" I have with the United States government is the seperation now between it and it's people, the politicians really are on a celebrity status and seem to be lightyears away.

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