Thursday, December 11, 2008

Critique of Nyla's blog on The US National Government GRADE ME is the link to it.

As all critiques, I both agree with Nyla but disagree with her on a few bases.
She cited the US Government as being “responsible for our nation slowly falling apart.” Since she brings the debt problem into this paragraph, I would also like to leave my tidbit on this matter: the citizens also contributed to this spiral of debt. Working in retail, I’ve had many credit cards rejected by the machine and the customer pulls out five more, hoping that one will work. It’s ridiculous and laughable; so many scams to get people to get your company’s credit cards on broken offers and so many asterisks and side notes an analyst would get sick. We are an ill-informed and relatively un-intelligent country. We need to always research what is given and stop trying to avoid the fact that you will actually have to PAY for these things later on! Also, how many nice cars have we seen on the road lately? A lot more than usual, that’s for sure. People are spending money that they don’t have. That’s the largest contribution to the economy going splat, at least I believe. As of now, we are just getting nipped in the butt about it finally.
Moving on though… I really liked how Nyla brought up that a lot of families are living paycheck-to-paycheck, because that is indeed a reality for a good portion of America. A lot of the paycheck is indeed taken away by the government, and everyone fears for the standard of Social Security and how badly it will be affected in coming years.
In the last paragraph she talks about how our nation will definitely lose its “values” if the government doesn’t take care of things. She also brings up the sacred statements that America is the “land of the free” and the “country of many opportunities.” Personally, I think that this really is the end of our ‘era of power’ (so to speak) where we were the most influential country and powerful and such. We already are losing our values. Our morals are shot, we’ve lost the meaning of family, and the concept of “faith” (religious or otherwise) is nowhere to be found.
The economy is just one of the many reasons that the America of old is lost today. Instead of turning to the one’s we love or reflecting on our actions, we have gone further and further away from where we should be. But, I digress, not all of our rights granted to us are shared by ‘good’ people and I would venture to say that the average American citizen is not a good citizen at all.
In conclusion, I do agree with Nyla. Yet, we also need to think about how the citizens contributed to our current crisis.

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