Sunday, October 19, 2008

Mrs. McCain as Portrayed in The New York Times GRADE ME

In one of the blogs suggested by Mr. Seago, one particular post caught my eye. It was a post concerning The New York Times and how they recently portrayed Mrs. Cindy McCain, the Republican candidate's wife. As of yet, I am not sure if they have done an Obama-related interview with Obama, his wife, or anyone close to their family. Here is the link to the post:
This clearly is done in the now-running fashion of mud wrestling that this election brings to the public. This election is probably one of the worst in history: debates consist of "My candidate, your candidate... blah blah blah negative negative negative..." and have very little focus on what might actually go on while the candidate is in office. They've both flip-flopped, we get it, now get on with campaigning for the FUTURE. How about we CHANGE in teat aspect. Hey, that's an idea!
Anyway, got a little sidetracked there... This, according to Power Line is another one of those reputation-scarring attempts on either campaign. Since we are targeting McCain's wife however, it's an attempt of the Liberal-based media. The New York Times has always been a seemingly credible source of news, being based out of the largest city in the United States and being seen from many different voices presented from various worldly viewpoints. Many articles coming from this particular newspaper have been award-winning and worthy of recognition. My personal opinion: with this article, they just got lazy, which is poor judgment on their part since the article pertains with a would-be first lady.
nothing is going with the books in this campaign.
When they cited tat she had stated she took "four months"to have time away from family to recover from a stroke, they also brought up that she attended outings with her husband and hat she claimed she was fine after one month. However, when you look at the big picture, don't people need physical therapy? Where is that in the article?
As for her "mercy missions" to Rwanda... Well, I don't know about all that, but I do know that even Princess Diana needed a little humanitarian side to balance the upset she was creating at home with her own scandalous lifestyle which upset the royal family to no end and created a rift between them an their people. People still call her a saint today, which is BEYOND me.
I think my favorite quote of the whole post was this one though: "'Some of Mrs. McCain's statements seem questionable.' Of such stuff are Pulitzer Prizes made."
Lastly, I would like to point out that Power Line had something going when they said The New York Times cited FACEBOOK above all things to dig up "facts"about McCain's daughter who is 16 and probably acts it. Where's the scandal there? Nonetheless, it was still scoured. That, in my opinion (and it seems Power Line would agree with me), seems too low for a formidable paper to go by.

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