Sunday, August 31, 2008

Critique of Barack Obama's speech given at the Democratic National Convention

I would post said speech in this blog, but I found it in five different parts on YouTube and who wants to do that?! Instead, you shall get my critique of what he spoke of in the part of the speech that I got to hear (which was most of it).

Barack Obama could sugar coat a dirty toilet: he is an excellent speaker. You can compare his speech to famous speeches like, say, oh... the "a chicken in every pot" speech. He confronts everyone's fears, knowing that he will have a lot to deal with in this country after Bush's years in office. Parts of the speech baffled me, like how we will try and not be dependent on foreign oil or jobs in the next 4 years. And as for him talking about the Georgia conflict and Bush nearly severing our relationship with one of our "oldest allies": our relationship with Russia has always been on the rocks, they're a fairly volatile country as far as the standards go.

He catered to women and to the lower-class, being a minority; he also is catering to the Jewish community with his choice of Vice President in Joe Biden. As far as I know, Mr. Biden was an odd pick, but has turned out to be a good one. Obama always speaks of "change" and it could happen starting with his choice of VP, as Mr. Biden was a well-known old codger of a Senator and even criticized Obama on several occasions, but Obama chooses to see him purely from a political standpoint and isn't trying to bring his personal life into this election, which is a good sign in any person taking their work seriously. Biden was also an interesting pick since everyone seemed abuzz with thoughts that Hilary or even Al Gore would be chosen for VP. I'm happy it wasn't Al Gore, myself, as he seems rather ridiculous as far as people go... Way to have the element of surprise, Mr. Obama. Good thing I like that! Maybe you could also surprise me by becoming Pro-Life overnight, then I might have a clear idea of who I would vote for. However, as that is unlikely, I will listen to John McCain's speech and see what he might offer me if he takes office.

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